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About Me and This Site

Ten Things to Know Before You Dive In

Monday balcony harvest_ sage plus lavend
#kabobs #sirloin #beef #onions #tomatoes
  1. I'm a card-carrying carnivore. You're going to see copious  amounts of meats and cheeses and animal by-products, sometimes (hopefully) all in one dish.

  2. I cook gluten-free because of the genetic hand I was              dealt (celiac runs in my family). Sometimes I cook with            gluten-free bread and pasta -- if that's not your jam, feel free to gluten 'er up. "Gluten-free" is a condition, not a religion.

  3. I cook for two a lot, but these are really "cooking for one or two .. with extra" recipes; I tend to have leftover ingredients to use again. Don't let "I can't cook for just me" be an excuse.

  4. I'm the suckiest baker that ever sucked at baking. You're not  going to find a lot of baked goods recipes here, unless they're fool-proof. And I mean FOOL. PROOF.

  5. I hate blogs that give you a 10-page personal soliloquy before they reward you with the recipe. That said, I do have some stories to share. I'll keep them brief and put them after the recipe, so you can ignore them at will. 

  6. I'm a big fan of fresh ingredients. I even grow my own herbs. But store-bought and frozen can work, too. You'll rarely see me use much processed stuff.

  7. I experiment. A lot. A dash of this, a pinch of that, and I rarely measure. I'll try to estimate measurements for you. If you don't like it, adjust and substitute. That's the beauty of cooking -- nothing's set in stone, my friends.

  8. I make mistakes. If I've accidentally left out an ingredient or something doesn't seem quite right in a recipe, trust your gut and drop me a note -- I'll correct it. 

  9. I speak fluent sarcasm and I can be PG-13. Cover your eyes if salty language boosts your sodium levels.

  10. The first meal I ever cooked for my ex-husband was spaghetti and baked potatoes ("they don't really ... go together" he pointed out). I've learned by trial, error and research so you don't have to.


We all deserve to decompress after a long, shitty day and eat good food. None of my recipes are difficult and most take less time than ordering a pizza or driving to pick up takeout.


I believe in common ingredients and preparing meats and things that can be used for multiple dishes -- so you'll be efficient with your time but not a slave to leftovers. 


Cooking will feed your mind, your creativity and your soul, as well as your body. It doesn't require a lot of special equipment or space. You can do this, you guys. I promise. 


©2025 Jennifer Beers

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