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Blue-Cheese Butter (for Steaks)

Blue cheese makes a great topping for grilled steaks, but it doesn't melt especially well. Never mind all that. I got ya (and ya beef) covered.


1 stick unsalted butter, room temperature

1/4 cup crumbled blue cheese

2 teaspoons chopped thyme

Salt and pepper, to taste

Optional: 1 strip of crumbled bacon


Combine all ingredients in a bowl until thoroughly mixed. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Cooking & Serving:

Top the grilled steaks with a scoop of the blue-cheese butter during the last 5-7 minutes of grilling. Transfer the steaks to plates, and top with more blue-cheese butter to serve. Leftovers can be refrigerated and used on other meats (like hamburgers) or bread (to top a crunchy, hot baguette).

A Little Backstory:

Being a guest at someone's holiday meal is always a gamble, isn't it? Will they serve the typical fare you don't really care for (the 1970s midwestern fatty ham with mayo-laden pea salad), or some kind of off-the-wall family tradition like -- oh I don't know -- chilled eel or something, because that's how the grandparents did it in the old country? You beg to bring a side dish, because at least then you know you won't leave the table completely famished after just politely pushing an eel face around on your plate. But, if you're lucky, you'll find the family voted for ribeyes with blue-cheese butter and cheesy potatoes, because it's perfect spring grilling weather; it's always a good time for beef; and you are going to be a guest at a holiday meal where people ARE NOT INSANE. Happy Easter, everyone.


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