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Bok Choy

Updated: Nov 17, 2018

For when you're tired of green beans and broccoli, and want to make something lovely to serve with a soy-saucy meat like short ribs or add to a soup.

It's kind of the best of spinach and celery, rolled into one.


1 bunch fully-matured bok choy (not baby bok choy)

Red pepper flakes


Cut the end off the bunch of bok choy and separate the leaves. Rinse thoroughly to get rid of any grit or dirt. Coarsely chop the bok choy.

Cook & Serve:

In a skillet or frying pan over high heat (8 of 10), add 1/3 cup water and the bok choy. Bring to a boil. Stir occasionally. Cook about 8-10 minutes until most of the water boils away. Use slotted spoon to put bok choy onto plate and top with red pepper flakes.

A Little Backstory:

I discovered bok choy the way I do many vegetables -- meandering through a market or produce section, picking up something unfamiliar and thinking "sure, why not?" Try new things, you guys.


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