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Fried Plantains

A sunny, almost-potato-cake, finger-food side dish or appetizer. There's some time needed here to fry them twice, but they're very easy to prepare. And no, bananas are not a valid substitute. Plantains have a less banana-y taste, and they're sturdier to fry in oil. No substitutions!


2 green plantains (they are quite large - this will be sides/apps for 4 people)

3 cups canola oil


Dip or salsa, as you wish


Peel the plantains and cut off the pointy ends. Slice into chunks 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches wide.

In a large saute pan or cast iron skillet, heat the oil over medium-high heat until 325 degrees -- or until you can put a droplet of water into the oil and it immediately sizzles.

Cover a plate or board in paper towels.

Cooking & Serving:

- Add the plantain chunks to the hot oil, flat side down. Flip when golden, about 2-3 minutes. Remove after 2-3 more minutes, when plantain is golden on second side. Remove with a slotted spoon and drain on the paper towels.

- Cover your countertop with waxed or parchment paper. When fried plantain chunks are still warm, place onto the covered countertop -- flat side up -- and smash with a heavy pan. They will look like flat suns (see picture).

- Make sure your oil is still medium-high, and add the flat plantains until golden-brown, about two minutes. Drain them on paper towels and salt them while still warm.

- These are great plain, but I'd suggest a salsa to dip them, or sour cream mixed with a few shots of hot sauce.

A Little Backstory:

I made these years ago when I had my niece for dinner. They were a side for the most awesome swordfish tacos I've ever made -- tacos so spectacular, neither one of us could remember how great the plantains were. Let these babies have their moment in the sun!

They make a great potato substitute if you're serving something spicy and Latin-American inspired, like hot pulled pork, steak with chimichurri sauce or feijoada (a Brazilian black bean stew).

I'd also dip these straight into a jar of peanut butter as a snack. Don't judge me.


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