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Roasted Tomatoes

Updated: Nov 5, 2018

The easiest ingredient for soups, salads, pastas and sandwiches. Make a ton and throw them in the freezer.

Any baby tomatoes will do, but I like the heirloom grape tomatoes for their lovely colors and rich flavors.

“Tomatoes are gross.” - Me, until about 5 years ago when I tasted real, fresh, local tomatoes


Tomatoes (um, thought that was evident)


Preheat oven to 375. Slice tomatoes vertically and toss with or drizzle with olive oil. Place one layer deep on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. (Parchment paper should be your new BFF. Prevents sticking and bakeware damage.) If you wish, sprinkle with salt and pepper, or dried herbs. Italian seasoning is a good choice.

Cook & Serve:

Roast for 40 minutes. Let cool on the pan before removing -- they'll be hot as hell, and also squishy to handle. They store in the fridge for a handful of days just fine. I pack them into freezer bags and have them on hand for future recipes.

A Little Backstory:

Usually when someone says "I don't like [fill in food here]", it's because they've never had it cooked right. Stringy asparagus, mealy tomatoes, canned beets, mushy brussels sprouts ... yeah, that'll put you off for an entire childhood. Don't discount the foods you haven't eaten for 30+ years. And, for the love of Pete, buy produce fresh and in season for your location. Here's a great resource to help you:


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